Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Astragalus Herb Root Bnefits

(huang qi)

Astragalus is a native of China, and while it is not so well known in the West its use is spreading. It is found in sandy areas where there is plenty of sun. It grows to about 40 cm (16 in) high. The stems are hairy, and the leaves, up to 14 of them, grow in pairs along them.


Astragalus membranaceus should not be confused with the American variety astragalus nitidus, or milk vetch, which was reportedly used by the Cheyennes as a remedy for ivy poisoning.

Parts used


Active constituents
Asparagine, calcyosin, formononetin, astragalosides, kumatakenin, sterols.

How it works in the body

One of astragalus's main properties is that of stimulant to the immune system. American and Chinese research has confirmed the use of astragalus root as an energy restorer for conditions which feature long-term debility. It is useful in improving resistance to colds and flus and has a similar energizing effect to ginseng. Research has shown that cancer patients who are given astragalus extract will be better able to withstand side-effects of different orthodox treatments, and will experience improved recovery times. Another of its main functions is that of a diuretic, which means that it is very active in the urinary tract, but also plays a major role in the cardiovascular system as diuretics are used to lower blood pressure. It will also help in conditions where there is water retention or oedema (swelling of the tissues due to excess water). It can be used with other herbs in cases of anemia. Different formats of the herb, including Astragalus tea, are used in the reproductive system for excessive bleeding, such as during the menstrual cycle, and also after childbirth due to qi (energy) and blood deficiency. In addition, it is beneficial in cases of prolapse of the uterus and other organs. Astragalus is used externally to heal wounds, especially where there is infection or ulceration leading to discharge. It can be used in the digestive system for poor appetite and digestive weakness. The Chinese properties of Astragalus are sweet and slightly warm.


As a decoction, one cup of astragalus (astragulus) may be taken twice daily. As a tincture, take 2 ml (40 drops) three times a day. The Chinese dosage is 9-30 g (1/2 - 1 1/2 oz).

Astragalus Benefits
- As a diuretic to relieve water retention and reduce blood pressure.
- For colds and flu.
- When undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy, to reduce symptoms and enhance recovery.
- Excessive menstrual bleeding and after childbirth to reduce blood loss.
- Prolapses of the uterus and stomach.
- Ulcerative conditions and boils.
- Poor appetite and digestive weakness.


In Western herbalism, astragalus herb, it should not be taken internally in conditions of disorders of the skin. In Chinese herbalism this herb should not be used in skin conditions in their early stages, or where there is heat indicated by redness. It should not be used where there is food stagnation. It should be used only where there are signs of weakness.

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